Friday, October 9, 2009

How do I log into this thing??

That's when you know it's been a while. I couldn't even remember what my info was to log in. Well, you can all relax... I'm here now.

So, since I last posted, SO much has happened. I've moved back to the great state of Oklahoma! It's been amazing so far. Life is totally different here than it was in Nashville, and I'm loving it!! Believe it or not, I played more music in the first 2 weeks of being back here than I did the entire time I was in Nashville. Not sure how that works. Oh yeah... everyone's a musician in Nashville, and it's overwhelming. Now I remember.

Another new update is that after 25 years, I decided to make a big change and die my hair brown! I've never been anything but blond, so it took some getting used to for sure, but I love it now. Can we say mid-life crisis?

Ah... let's see, what else? Oh yes, I've finally decided to start taking photography a little more seriously. I peruse photography blogs daily and always think to myself... "I'd really like to be able to do that." So, I've decided to take a class at the local community college. It was weird to be back there, but it reminded me of how quickly time flies and life changes. I thought for a moment of all the things that have gone on in my life since the last time I walked those hallways. Craziness. And then I decided I should probably stop daydreaming and pay attention if I actually want to learn something! The fun thing is that I'm taking the class with my sister!! That's something I couldn't have done in Nashville. Yay for weekly sister reunions! She's a great photographer, and I'm learning a ton from her as well as the teacher. I'm hoping to use this blog to post pictures I've taken recently... whether for class or just for fun from my phone! I just love being able to capture moments. So, assuming I remember how to log on next time, I'll put some pics up!